Statement of Future Goals

              A career I would like to pursue in the future is teaching. My favourite memories are from my four years in high school. I had wished that grade thirteen was still in existence, because I wanted to stay in high school longer. I would love to return as a teacher. I think it is a great honour to impart knowledge upon future generations. I have always had teaching as a backup career because usually everything else I wanted was unrealistic. I have hand many inspirational teachers in high school. There was one that stood out among the rest. She was my math teacher for three years, Mrs. Savatteri. She was the perfect definition of a teacher. She challenged everyone in the class but understood not everyone was math savvy. She stayed after school every day to help anyone who needed it. Lastly she treated everyone as if they were a part of her family. There were two teachers I did not like at all. They still inspired me though, to not be anything like them. I hope to be able to inspire youth one day.
            I have a few qualities that I believe are helpful for being a teacher. I am patient with people. I would not mind getting many questions in class or staying after class for extra help. I enjoy being part of the school community. I would love to be a student council advisor or head of another club such as yearbook. I have good communication skills. I pay close attention to people’s stories and problems, so I would be a possible mentor for students. I also have the drive to teach and be apart of the teaching community.